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Manage Student Loan Debt Carefully

When it comes to higher education, student loan debt can be a real burden on young adults and their families. Here are eight tips to assist with managing student loan debt

Use QuickBooks For Project Management Features and Tracking

Does your business need a software program to track projects and provide reports on products and services? Follow here to find out how QuickBooks can be a valuable tool for your small business

Tax Rules for Claiming Bad Debt Loss Deductions

Follow this article to understand how individuals and businesses should report and claim a deduction for bad debt loss on their tax return. Be sure to stay in compliance with the IRS and tax laws

Scammers Targeting Seniors and Older Adults

It is important to protect seniors and older adults from falling victim to both in-person scammers and cybercrime. This article provides tips to be on the lookout for.

Use QuickBooks Online to Manage Products and Services

QuickBooks Online offers your business a way to manage products and services both accurately and successfully. Follow here for guidance and tips on overseeing inventory

How to Determine if a Partnership Exists?

It is not always straightforward to determine if your business or investment venture with multiple owners is considered an unintended partnership.

Ten Tax Myths Facing Business Owners

If you are a business owner or high-net-worth individual, don’t fall for these ten common tax myths that can lead to costly mistakes, missed deductions, and an increased risk of an IRS audit.

How to Keep Intellectual Property from Leaving with Retiring Employees

Many baby boomers will be retiring in the next five years and will be walking out the door for the last time, when they do, they will be taking years of experience and information with them...

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