Walz Group Promotions Announcement
We are excited to share the news of two much-deserved promotions.
Congratulations to Josh Hoover and Ryan Fisher!
Way to go! Thank you for your efforts and the skills and talents you share with us.

Josh Hoover has been promoted to Senior Manager on the tax team.
• Josh is a leader in the tax division who willingly takes on additional work when directors and partners are at their capacity
• He spends countless hours training and helping employees, one on one, to better understand their work
• He works to keep staff busy by leveraging work projects which allows him to focus on the highest and best use of his time
• He has led the payroll and form 1099 processing for multiple years, including recommending and navigating software transitions
• He loves learning and willingly develops and presents continuing education for the firm
• He is in the midst of completing the AICPA US International Tax Certificate and will facilitate this aspect of the tax division

Ryan Fisher has been promoted to Senior Accountant on the tax team.
- Ryan is hard-working and innovative in his work style.
- He enjoys learning and applying his newly acquired knowledge.